Source code for pyate.term_extraction_pipeline

from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Callable

import pandas as pd
from spacy.tokens import Doc

from .combo_basic import combo_basic
from .term_extraction import TermExtraction
from spacy.matcher import Matcher

[docs]class TermExtractionPipeline: """ This is for adding PyATE as a spaCy pipeline component. """ def __init__( self, nlp, func: Callable[..., pd.Series] = combo_basic, force: bool = True, *args, **kwargs ) -> None: """ This is for initializing the TermExtractionPipeline. """ self.func = func self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.__name__ = self.func.__name__ self.matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab) Doc.set_extension(self.__name__, default=None, force=force) self.term_counter = None def add_to_counter(matcher, doc, i, matches) -> Doc: match_id, start, end = matches[i] candidate = str(doc[start:end]) if ( TermExtraction.word_length(candidate) <= TermExtraction.config["MAX_WORD_LENGTH"] ): self.term_counter[candidate] += 1 for i, pattern in enumerate(TermExtraction.patterns): self.matcher.add("term{}".format(i), add_to_counter, pattern) def __call__(self, doc: Doc): """ This function will be called from within spaCy's utilities. """ self.term_counter = defaultdict(int) self.matcher(doc) terms = self.func( str(doc), technical_counts=pd.Series(self.term_counter), *self.args, **self.kwargs ) setattr(doc._, self.__name__, terms) return doc